Puppy Course

Puppy Course

Are you the proud parent of a new puppy or about to take on the responsibility? Then, congratulations on making the decision to give your new family member the best start by taking the step towards enrolling them on our "Life Skills for Puppies" course.

Puppies are a bundle of energy!  They're learning to be with their new family, building confidence and figuring out what life is all about.  Our course is all about training your puppy life skills through foundation cues and games focused on the importance of calmness, rest and early socialising.

This course suits pups aged between 8 weeks to 26 weeks.

Your investment to help set the foundation for you and your pup is $225 which includes:

To enrol for our next available course, please click on the "Enquiry form" button. Fill out the details and we'll be in touch.

Puppy combo sessions

Pre-Puppy Course consult + Puppy Course

Ahhh…Congratulations, you are now the proud parent of a new fur kid in your life!

You may have had a puppy before (but that was a few years ago); or you’ve never owned a dog before; or your kids have begged for a pup and have promised to help look after it. 

Along with welcoming a new pup, you are prepared for the occasional toileting accident to happen inside.  BUT wait, it’s only been a few days and you quickly realise this precious pup is the Energiser Bunny.  It keeps going and going and going and you’re not sure if it has an “Off” switch.  It is unsettled at night; it pees everywhere and the nipping with its sharp teeth is unbelievable.

No one told you it was going to be this challenging.  Is this the new norm?  How long will this last for?

Seeking advice before your pup arrives or has just arrived in your home is invaluable.  

At K9 FUNdamentals we help owners who want to know the ins and outs of what to expect with a pup in the house.  We help turn “We had no idea that it would be like this” into “Ah, I know how to cope with this”.  Our aim is to help you become a confident and relaxed fur kid parent that looks forward to years and years of a rewarding life together.

Our Pup Consultation + Puppy Course combo consists of over 4.5 hours of help at an investment of $385:

Contact us know to book this combo package and give your pup a great start to life with you and your whānau.

To find out more, please click on the "Enquiry form" button. Fill out the details and we'll be in touch.

One-to-one Pup Programme

If you are seeking one-to-one guidance and training for you and your pup, then this will be the programme for you.

We cover off all aspects of puppy training from our popular group Puppy Course plus more!

This programme  consists of 2 X 90 minute sessions at our private training facility located in Dairy Flat (5 minutes from Albany Mall) for an investment of $385.

To find out more, please click on the "Enquiry form" button. Fill out the details and we'll be in touch.

Latest news on our Puppy Courses

Upcoming Pup course dates

If you would like your puppy trained before our next  course we are available to offer a 1:1 Puppy Programme. This Programme  consists of 2 X 90 minute sessions in your home and covers off all topics normally run in our Puppy Course. Please contact us for more information.

We have experienced increased demand from new pup owners wanting valuable one-on-one advice before joining our Puppy Course, please take a look at our "Puppy combo session" (Pre-course consult + Puppy Course).